cPy5qadu4YRMXx3veGps-iWHhM4 Devour Dayton: Contact Us

Contact Us

Do you have a comment, question or concern about something you read on Devour Dayton? Did we overlook your restaurant or store in our guides (shame on us!)? Do you have a food related event to add to our listing of events? Would you like to submit a product for one of our writers to test and review? Please review the following procedures and send an email to Aimee@Devour-Dayton.com

  • General questions/comments: Let us know what we are doing right-or wrong. Be sure to include your email address if you would like a reply.
  • Submit a listing to our guides: Be sure to include the following information-business name, address, phone and type of food served/items sold and a contact name and email. All food related businesses will receive a basic listing for no charge. If you have multiple locations, be sure to send the details for each.
  • To submit an event: Be sure to include the following information-name of event, contact name and email, date(s)/time(s), location, event website and brief description.
  • To submit a product for review: Please send your item to-Aimee Plesa, C/O Devour Dayton, 220 Fairway Drive, Springboro OH 45066. Once you have shipped your item, please drop us an email so we can be on the lookout for it. Products we will review include: kitchen gadgets and gizmos, cookbooks, food and drink items, alcoholic beverages, gardening tools, cookware, dinnerware, etc.